Friday, February 25, 2011


OM Chanting Usage, OM Chanting 108 time free download,Description of OM

Om (Aum, Omkar, seed syllable)

The word Om (aum) derives from the Sanskrit.
The Om is the primordial sound by which the earth was created
It symbolizes unfolding or expansion- when pronounced,
it begins in the lungs, and ends on the lips.

The symbol representing Om is called the omkar, and has four parts,
representing the four states of human awareness:

1) The ordinary waking, or material state

2) The state of deep sleep

3) The dream state

4) Absolute conscience, or the awakened state

Vedic (ancient Hindu) Om

DevaNagari 'OM'


Telugu 'Om'

Jain Om

Punjabi 'Ik' + 'Om'

Tamil 'OM'

Bengali 'Om'

Tibeti 'OM'

Malayali 'Om'

OM/AUM is a root of all mantras.
OM/AUM is a typical combination of words which affects the surrounding and human beings through the vibrations.
Om/aum should to be chanted for enormous number of times to get the results. The results aremiraculous.
AUM is composed of 3 elements, 'a', 'u' and 'm'. The fusion of these 3 elements is AUM or OM.
The 3 alphabets are pronounced in series.
Advantages and effects of Omkar Chanting
1) It helps in Cleansing the mind.
2) Controlling the emotions.
3) Improves the concentration, memory andunderstanding capacity.
4) Relaxes Physically, Mentally, Emotionally.
5) Charges the surrounding atmosphere.
AUM can be seen through the eyes, listened to via earsand chanted via tongue. It is some what simpler to concentrate on the above 3 sense organs, so it is easyto concentrate the mind directly on the object.
This is achieved by fixing AUM as a target for meditationon which 3 sense organs are focused. In addition to this the chanting of AUM has tranquilizing effect onthe mind, which helps concentrate easily.
Musically it is also held that the term OM or AUM is made up by three base notes ‘A’ ‘U’ ‘M’ or the basic‘Sa’ ‘Pa’ of the fundamental scale and again Sa (thebase note) of the immediately higher scale. When one pronounces these notes in continuity, all the basic notes from SA to Ni also sound.
Similarly when one pronounces AUM correctly, all the basic sounds also echo. It is believed to be the traditional way of clearing all the impediments in the vocal chord to make one chant the hymns correctly.
Their unison makes one not only sound sonorous but also acts as the necessary preparation to chant a Mantra (Incantation) correctly. It is for this reason that all Vedic Mantras have ‘OM’ or ‘AUM’ as the first term.
Systematic Method of Chanting OM/Aum
The OM is to be chanted in a most comfortable posture.
The OM is to be chanted during exhalation after deep inhalation. The OM is composed of two vowels A,U & one alphabet M.The total timing of 10 seconds for chanting of one AUM is divided as follows:
A - 2 seconds
u - 3 seconds
M - 5 seconds
A - is to be pronounced for 2 seconds with open lips
U - is to be pronounced for 3 seconds while partiallyclosing the lips.
M - is to be pronounced for 5 seconds while lipscompletely closed.
Complete 1 repetition of AUM is as follows.
1. Deep inhalation in 5 seconds.
2. Exhaling pronounce A for 2 seconds with lips open.
3. Exhaling pronounce U for 3 seconds with lips partially closed.
4. Exhaling pronounce M for 5 seconds with lips completely closed.
This complete repetition takes 15 seconds and it canbe repeated for as many times as you want. You may find it difficult to inhale in 5 seconds and exhale in 10 seconds initially, so you have to adjust the timing as per your capacity in the beginning. But keep in mind that you have to achieve the ideal timings. If you follow the instructions given in the practice session, you'll be able to chant AUM/Om properly and get all the benefits of AUM/Om.
dowload om chanting mp3 file below

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